
Battletech a game of armored combat
Battletech a game of armored combat

battletech a game of armored combat

I'm not saying this is absent from the Japanese vision at all, but the limitations Weisman set on his universe feels like he tried to ground it in reality fairly hard, while trying to imagine what the future of humanity might look like. One of the major differences with some of the giant robot genre in Japan is I feel like Weisman tried to create a universe that was built on more hard science. However, Gundam always had a serious dose of political intrigue in its background and I feel like Weisman was influenced by that combination when developing the BattleTech universe. Gundam has been a thing since the late 70's and I think a lot of the Japanese approaches to their stories was somewhat overly fantastical. The concept of people piloting giant robots is nothing new and creator Jordan Weisman makes no secret to say he was influenced by these amazing images that came out of Japan. There are various ways to approach this game and as BattleTech would gain more traction they would really flesh out the world even more. In this game you face off against an opponent and the objective is to destroy the other players Mechs on the board. The game is a hex based game and this allows more freedom of movement choices and firing arcs compared to a simple square playing arrangement such as chess.

battletech a game of armored combat

So, for me, the name change is really a good one, besides I think BattleTech just sounds cooler.īattleTech is a science fiction wargame of sorts set in the future of the 31st century where the players control anywhere from one BattleMech to several on the board. In BattleTech the giant war machines are controlled by human pilots called MechWarriors. In my opinion this is a rather serendipitous situation because to me a droid implies a machine that operates under it's own power. The game was originally published under the name Battledroids in 1984, but there was a conflict with George Lucas who had a trademark on the term "droid". Even though this is the 2nd edition of BattleTech this is actually the first version of the game published under this name.

Battletech a game of armored combat